UEES creates the first aerobiology station in Ecuador

UEES - Universidad Espíritu Santo > Centro de Investigaciones > UEES creates the first aerobiology station in Ecuador

Surveillance of Pollen and Fungal Spores to Find Solutions for Respiratory and Allergic Diseases

The Research Center of the Espíritu Santo University (UEES) installed an aerobiology station aimed at collecting and evaluating pollen and fungal spores found in the environment. This groundbreaking project, the first of its kind in the country, will contribute to improved treatments for patients suffering from respiratory and allergic diseases.

“Currently, the prevalence of these diseases has increased due to climate change, with over 15% of the global population being allergic to pollen, and it affects 30% of young people. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the existing species, understand their characteristics and allergenic capacity, and distribution throughout the country,” explains Fernando Espinoza, the director of the UEES Research Center.

Pollen counting allows for a more precise understanding of when patients should start and finish their prophylactic treatment. It provides valuable information to help pollen allergy sufferers plan their movements. The aerobiology station will contribute to monitoring the intensity of symptom variability annually in comparison to different geographical areas.

“This measurement is an innovative and essential tool in managing allergies, significantly improving the quality of life for allergic patients and enabling them to fully enjoy their daily activities,” elaborates Espinoza.

Led by Iván Chérrez-Ojeda, the project is set to last for five years, and its results will contribute to the creation of a pollen calendar for the city, offering useful information to visitors with allergies, predicting the severity of pollen allergies, and facilitating preventive measures.

Through the publication of various scientific articles and participation in international congresses, UEES aims to contribute to the respiratory and allergic health of the Ecuadorian population and enhance the evidence-based knowledge pertaining to Ecuadorian palynology.

In the photos: The aerobiology station located at the UEESPARK and the aerobiology course held at UEES, conducted by Germán Darío Ramón and Laura Beatriz Barrionuevo from the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology (AAAAI).

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