From Postcards to Plates: UEES Photography Contest Highlights Guayaquil’s Flavorful Essence

UEES - Universidad Espíritu Santo > Comunicación > From Postcards to Plates: UEES Photography Contest Highlights Guayaquil’s Flavorful Essence

The photography contest “Guayaquil Instagrameable”, has become a hallmark of the School of Tourism and Hospitality at the Espíritu Santo University. Traditionally an internal showcase, this competition was born out of the students’ knack for capturing iconic city landmarks and sharing them on Instagram. However, this year signifies a notable expansion, with the contest welcoming participants beyond the UEES community, including high school and university students, as well as professionals. With a specific focus on the gastronomy of Guayaquil, this event, launched in collaboration with the Municipal Public Company for Tourism, International Relations, and Culture of Guayaquil, aims to explore and celebrate the rich culinary tapestry of the city.

Participants in the “Guayaquil Instagrameable” contest immersed themselves in a comprehensive schedule of activities, commencing with a Photography Workshop led by professionals in the fields of photography and gastronomy. On November 17, all registered participants embarked on a City Tour of Guayaquil, strategically pausing at iconic locations to capture the best photographs of local gastronomy. Contestants were required to submit three participating images, with the submission deadline set for November 21. The culminating event, the Awards Ceremony on November 29 at the Municipal Museum of Guayaquil, will exhibit finalist photos for the jury to determine the winners in each category.

The prizes include: for the winner of the High School Category, a free pre-university scholarship; for the University Category, a Polaroid camera; and in the Professional Category, a trip to the Galápagos Islands.

“This contest represents an exciting opportunity for photography enthusiasts to showcase their creativity and love for the local gastronomy of Guayaquil,” emphasized Joaquín Hernández, rector of UEES during the launch event.



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