UEES Recognized in the Innovative Leaders Ranking!

UEES - Universidad Espíritu Santo > Taking Knowledge Beyond Borders > UEES Recognized in the Innovative Leaders Ranking!

The Top 100 Innovative Leaders Ranking, promoted by the Business Market Network together with the media outlets Diario de Empresa and El Diario Latinoamericano, honors individuals who have made extraordinary contributions in their fields.

Carlos Ortega Maldonado, Chancellor of Espíritu Santo University (UEES), has been recognized as one of the most prominent leaders in the field of education, holding a privileged position in the Top 10 at the Ibero-American level.

In the Education category, this ranking showcases visionary leaders who have transformed the academic landscape. Our chancellor was recognized as a reference for his commitment to educational excellence at UEES.

His inspiring vision, dedication, and remarkable contribution to educational innovation have left a mark on Ecuador´s academic sphere.

For more information about the Top 100 Education Ranking for 2023,
visit: https://www.rankingtop100.es/

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La Universidad Espíritu Santo (UEES), inicia sus actividades académicas en el año 1994 como institución privada, autofinanciada y sin fines de lucro. Su espíritu de compromiso y constante innovación están presentes en la calidad del servicio que ofrece a su comunidad.

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