Angelica Sanchez recognized by the American organization Poets and Quants as one of the 40 best professors, under 40 years of age, of a business school worldwide “Best 40 Under 40” was invited to carry out a research stay in the United States and Canada. She visited Duke University, the University of North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) in the United States and Western University and Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada. The objective was to learn from these world-ranked universities and established long-term relationships. The professor presented her research projects to seek cooperation between these institutions.
Dr. Olga Hawn is an Associate professor of strategy and sustainability. She is the Faculty Director (Distinguished fellow) of the Center for Sustainable Enterprise (CSE) founded in 2000 at Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
This center offers its full-time MBA students an enrichment concentration in Sustainable Enterprise. Kenan-Flagler’s sustainability teaching and research have been recognized by the Corporate Knights 2021 “Better World MBA Ranking” as No. 3 in the U.S. and No. 16 in the world.
During her stay, Professor Sanchez attended Professor Hawn’s class. In one lecture, business people told students about the importance of investing in social responsibility programs that benefit all their stakeholders, especially the most vulnerable. “The more you give, the more you receive.” Business-academy collaboration is essential to develop applied research that is useful to society.
Duke University is a private university, like UEES. Duke was founded in 1838. The University pursues the following aims: “to foster a lively relationship between knowledge and faith; to advance learning in all lines of truth; to defend scholarship against all false notions and ideals; to develop a love of freedom and truth; to promote a respectful spirit of dialogue and understanding; to discourage all partisan and sectarian strife; and to further the advancement of knowledge in service to society”. Currently, it is one of the most recognized universities worldwide.
Our professor, Angelica Sanchez, had the opportunity to meet Catherine Clark. She is the Faculty Director of the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) founded in 2002 at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. She is ranked the #3 female university influencer in business and society. Our UEES representative presented her research projects to seek international cooperation.
Western University is one of Canada’s leading research universities, ranking #1 in Canada and #3 in the world in the area of sustainable development. During her visit, Professor Angelica Sanchez was working on two business cases together with Violetta Gallagher from Ivey Publishing to continue publishing together more cases about Ecuadorian companies.
Memorial University’s strategic research theme is “Community, Regional, and Enterprise Development.” This university has won several Times Higher Education (THE) recognitions because of its contributions to the United Nations SDGs. During her research stay, professors Angelica Sanchez, Jennifer Dyer (Head, Department of Gender Studies) and Carlos Bazan (Assistant Professor Faculty of Business Administration) reviewed international studies and methodologies that link gender as an analytic category to business and entrepreneurship. Moreover, they discussed the possibilities for developing studies beyond Newfoundland and Canada to connect or compare with Ecuador. They are planning to apply for international research grants.
La Universidad Espíritu Santo (UEES), inicia sus actividades académicas en el año 1994 como institución privada, autofinanciada y sin fines de lucro. Su espíritu de compromiso y constante innovación están presentes en la calidad del servicio que ofrece a su comunidad.